Togo is located east of Ghana and west of Benin in western Africa

Togo is located east of Ghana and west of Benin in western Africa
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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Summer "Vacation"

The other professors' wives would ask me, “How’s your summer vacation going?”  I’d simply reply, good, but really, there was no vacation about it.  When I hear the word vacation, I think, where are we going?  After traveling so much over the past 2 years, this year has been “boring” (using Sam’s favorite word from this summer).  Even more so because there are no play grounds to go to.  So we often turn our furniture into a playground….

Not everyone was "bored" at home all summer.  Micah was able to travel to Ivory Coast for the ordination of 4 men who graduated from the CLET...  

Meanwhile at home, one of the trees fell over in the back yard and the kids had a new playground…

Micah received an African outfit from one of the churches he visited in Ivory Coast, which Sam was quick to try on. Presenting the wise man of the Wildauer clan...

Micah brought home some cocoa pods from Ivory Coast.  The kids really enjoyed pulling the beans out of the pods and then a few weeks later, after the beans had fermented and dried, we made chocolate…

Our kids playing with the neighborhood kids…

After Sam learned about the 10 highest mountains in the world and mountain climbing in school, we took a little trip to the Grotte aux Greniers de Nagou, otherwise known as the caves in Nagou...  

The actual mountain climbing wasn’t quite what Sam had learned about.  There was a ladder to climb down to the grotto and up when finished, instead of rocks…

Looking into the cave where people used to live…

Climbing down and walking along the mountain side was a challenge at times with the youngest two.  Can you imagine families living on the side of this mountain?…

Our summer “vacation” ended the end of August as the next school year started.  Here’s a picture of all the students and their families… 

And here’s a drawing, by Samuel, of our growing family…

The kids are all super excited to meet their new baby in May!


  1. Nice pictures. Very creative on the playground. It's interesting how similar the caves of Nagou are to those of the Anasazi Indians of the American southwest. How's David (or was it Samuel)? Your grandmother is in the hospital in Nebraska.

  2. So good to see pictures of the kids. We pray that David is getting better and that all the family remains safe and healthy. Especially mom and baby! We are so excited for you all and look forward to seeing you all in April! God's blessings to you all in Togo!

  3. I enjoyed reading your post. Praise God for the work you are doing. Your creative play makes me smile and I enjoyed seeing the hikes in the photos.

    Prayers from Cape Giradeau


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