Our family at the opening and closing services of the CLET’s 2015-2016 school year. Consider these our first and last day of kindergarten pictures. One might see how much our kids have gotten bigger or how much Micah has gotten smaller, but I see so much more. I see just how poorly put together we were back in August. Living out of our suitcases still after having moved into our house the day before, not knowing how anyone else would be dressed, what was appropriate, what wasn’t. I remember sitting through the opening service in the far back, watching everyone’s moves, trying to take it all in, on top of translating French to English (to myself in the head) and keeping my kids (half way) under control. It was exhausting! The closing service was much different. I wasn’t watching everyone’s moves. I’ve (kind of) learned local behaviors. I didn't have to watch my children. They were sitting with the other kids and I was sitting with the women’s school and singing and dancing in front of everyone.
We’ve been here through a whole school year. We arrived in Dapaong just a few days before this past school year started and now we’ve reached the closing of the school year.
A lot of days have felt like the following picture. Our kids looking like monkeys on display for all to stare at.

The next picture is how we see our kids every day. Our kids acting like monkeys and we have to somehow raise them up right.
There have been many “boring” days where our kids have just wanted to play with their cousins or friends back in the States or go to a playground, but most days the kids go to bed happy from all the fun they had (especially now that we have a little pool).
We’ve grown a custom to living here (somewhat). Yet we still have a lot to learn and grow. Especially our kids… (David planted himself in the garden to grow, and that’s what he’s doing, soaking everything in and growing).
Sam has grown a lot this year. He started kindergarten in January and is soaking everything in. He’s learning how to write in cursive and how to read. He especially enjoys reading books to his sister. He’s learned a lot about God’s creation, including how plants grow and is enjoying watching his garden grow.
Liza enjoys preschool, whether her teacher is Mama or Sam. She goofily takes it all in.
In the end, our family has graduated "kindergarten"...but there's still a lot more to learn.