Togo is located east of Ghana and west of Benin in western Africa

Togo is located east of Ghana and west of Benin in western Africa
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Sunday, March 16, 2014

One Ethnic Weekend

Irish/American/African/Karen/Hmong Weekend-

We started our weekend with the St. Patrick's day parade on Saturday and finished our weekend with a farewell dinner at Hope Lutheran Church (hosted by Hmong Hope).  

Irish family (under our coats) watching the St. Patrick's day parade

American girl & African boy

African Pastor

The Hmong, Karen, & Anglos saying farewell to us at Hope Lutheran Church 

The Karen children singing a few songs for us

American woman, Hmong boy, Karen Pastor, & Hmong girl

--Sam was super excited to go to Hope Lutheran Church today.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Your Vocation in Togo

Now that Micah has a fever, I’m ready to write again.  I hope this doesn’t become a habit.

We made it through 2 weeks of orientation.  We weren’t sure how the kids would do, but overall I’d say they did well.  To sum it up, there is no doubt my kids love me.  The first 2 days Sam wouldn’t stop crying until I came to his rescue.  By the third day, Sam was repeating to himself, “I’m going to play and not cry”.  It didn’t take him long to make friends and enjoy the rest of his time.  Liza didn’t have a problem at first, but she started to cry every time someone besides Mama picked her up.  She just didn’t know when she’d see Mama again.  Hopefully that doesn’t stick with her for very long.  Thank you to Mr. Christian Boehlke and all the amazing volunteers who helped with child care.  You made it possible for me to think beyond the level of a 3 year old!

Overall, the week was great for Micah and me.  We had a great group of missionaries, staff, and speakers.  We enjoyed daily prayers and chapel services with our fellow missionaries, and growing in the Word of Christ along with what to expect among different cultures.  We also learned a lot about the logistics in the Office of International Mission and building our support network (with all of you).  

One topic which continues to resonate with me throughout the days after orientation is vocation.  (I won’t get off topic by explaining the struggle of my vocation as Christian and Mother, especially during Church services, maybe another time.)   I do want to point out though, that we all have our Christian vocation to consider every day.  What are we doing as Christians to spread Christ’s Word?  Someone pointed out during orientation that we would be depriving our neighbors of their Christian vocation by not asking them to support us.  That really hit me.  I hadn’t thought of it that way before.  Most of you are not able to physically go to Africa and share the Gospel, but sharing the Gospel is your vocation as a Christian and supporting our family can help you achieve that.  Romans 10:14-15: “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?  And how are they to preach unless they are sent?”

Micah and I pray that you will all join us in our mission, in any way the Spirit leads you.  We know that we cannot share Christ’s Word with the people in Africa alone.  It will take a huge network to support us with prayers and financial gifts in order for all of us to share Christ’s Word in Africa.  By being a part of our network, you will in fact be going to Togo with us.

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you soon as we travel to present more about Togo and what we (this includes you) will be doing there!  Micah will be scheduling churches to visit soon.  If your church is interested in a visit, let us know.

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Giving by Check: You can also make a donation towards our ministry by check. 
Mail your check, made payable to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and designated with our last name, to:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 790089
St. Louis, MO 63179-0089

(Or call 888-930-4438 to speak with someone)