Togo is located east of Ghana and west of Benin in western Africa

Togo is located east of Ghana and west of Benin in western Africa
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Monday, December 1, 2014

Checklist to Move Overseas

We have accomplished a lot since Micah accepted Christ's call, 10 months ago.  Yet, it seems we have just as much to do this last month here in the United States.  Of course there's a lot more involved than what meets the eye.  This list has had many lists within the list, within those lists, and then again even more lists.  The "Work" list is very much in brief compared to the "Personal" list.  But I wanted to include it to point out that Micah is still "working", while trying to accomplish our personal list as well.  It's a tough juggle, especially with a newborn, but God willing, with a lot of prayers and support, we will get it all done.

Clean out old church office
X Orientation
X Setup presentations at churches
Travel the U.S. to build a support network
Setup a database of all supporters
Stay in contact with support network
Collect and sort through donations for the CLET (seminary in Togo)
Start learning French with Rosetta Stone and at The French Alliance

Sort possessions-
Take with us 8 large duffle bags full of clothes, shoes, coats (for one more winter in France), toiletries, laptops, cameras, DVDs, important papers, car seats, stroller, pack ‘n play, and a select few of the following- toys, balls, books, games, kitchen utensils, pillows, and Notre Dame items.
Put in storage (memorabilia)
X Sell (furniture and all other possessions)
Donate (everything that doesn’t sell)
Give to family & friends (family keepsakes and “coveted” items)
Throw away (everything else that can’t be donated)
Sort through Micah's old boxes
X Find a new home for our cat
Sell cars
Rent a van
Sell house-
X     Move out
X     Clean
        Fix things here and there
        Find a POA & prep for sale if we are out of the country
X Find temporary housing
X Choose a French immersion school and apply
Plan for kids’ homeschool education
Close unnecessary accounts
Make a list of all accounts
Go paperless with as many accounts as possible
Get finances in order, total financial planning
Write wills and plan funerals
Choose a U.S. representative for our personal accounts 
Choose a U.S. address & forward our mail
Choose a Tax Preparer
Medical appointments-
X   Physicals
Blood tests
X Dental
Travel clinic for vaccines
Buy prescriptions (contacts)
Go shopping for specialty items that may not be found in France
Get an International Drivers Permit
X Have baby October 13, 2014
X Ask hospital to expedite birth certificate (took 3 days)  
X Apply for Social Security card (took 12 days)
X Apply for expedited passport (took 10 days)
Apply for french visas for all of us (scheduled an appt a week after getting passport, 4 days to get extra paperwork, 15 days to 1 month to process)
X Purchase tickets to fly to France

Enjoy Christmas/Winter Festivities around Milwaukee (MillerLites, Jingle Bus, Candy Cane Lane, parades, snow, etc.)
Say our "Good Byes"
Have a going away party?!
X Get together with family for Thanksgiving
Get together with family for Christmas December 22-29

Fly to France December 30, 2014
Ring in the New Year in Albertville, France
Start French immersion classes January 5, 2015
Fly to Africa the end of July, 2015

Friday, November 21, 2014

Visa Day

When David was born we rushed to get his birth certificate, Social Security card, and passport so we could apply and receive our visas before leaving for France December 30th.  I had been preparing for this day for months.  The French Consulate has a list of 16 requirements you must take in person to the Consulate in Chicago.  Multiply that by 5 members in our family and that is a lot of paperwork.  

I was up late the night before collating all the papers and then I was up again at 2:30 to nurse David.  We had to wake up early, get the 2 older kids to a sitter and drive down to Chicago.  Of course with a nursing baby, it is hard to get out of the house on time.  We left late from our house and then got stuck in Milwaukee traffic.  Had a smooth drive down to the north side of Chicago, but couldn’t quite make up the time lost in Milwaukee.  

We had decided to park n’ ride to downtown Chicago, mainly because you never know what traffic you might get stuck in.  Even though I had selected the last 5 appointments of the day at the Consulate, 11:40 a.m. to 12:20 p.m., we were tight on time.  We were trying to get to the red line train by 10:30 to get us to the Consulate with time to spare.  But we didn’t pull into the parking lot until after 10:30.  We then rushed to try and catch the next train, 8 minutes later.  

Gearing up as if on the Amazing Race, we had it all planned out, Micah would get David out of the car and I would get the stroller and we’d take the elevator and get our tickets and hop on.  Ha!  The elevator was stuck on the 3rd floor, so we had to carry baby and the stroller up the stairs, then find another elevator to purchase our tickets.  Which for some reason the machine wouldn’t take our credit card; finally we got it with our debit card, but by that time we had missed the next train.  

We had now lost our extra time and would have to run from the train to the consulate to make it in time.  To make things worse half way to downtown we heard the announcement that the train we were on was now out of service and we would have to get off and wait for another one.  Are you kidding me?  Good thing I hadn’t started feeding David again, at least.  We got off and saw some were getting on the brown line instead of waiting on the red line. We asked the conductor if the brown line went to our stop and it did, so we hopped on not realizing the brown line usually has to go all around the loop downtown before stopping at our destination, but thankfully it changed course to follow the red line’s schedule, so we didn’t lose out on all that time at least.  

When we finally got off the train at our stop, we rushed to the Consulate.  We ran 6 blocks in what was probably negative degree wind chills, swerving our stroller around all the other pedestrians of the Windy City.  We made it to the building we needed to be in and found our way up one elevator to the information desk, where we had to check in, then up another set of elevators to the 37th floor, where the French Consulate is located.  We walked in the door at exactly 11:40am.  Whoo!  

Then we sat and waited and waited for our names to be called.  Finally, the judgement had come.  Now, I had followed all the requirements and then some.  I had read review after review to find out what else they might ask for, because their list of requirements is very vague.  I thought for sure we had everything we needed (I still think we had everything they needed).  However, they didn’t agree.  

Apparently, the letter of employment did not state we’d be paid while in France, even though the letter stated Micah’s been employed since February and will be employed while in Africa (which comes after being in France, which should have been understood from other paperwork).  Yet, it’s not clear that he’ll be employed while in France?  Bahh!  That and they ask for “proof of medical insurance,” but what they really mean is “proof of medical insurance- showing valid worldwide coverage for emergencies and repatriation (minimum coverage $50,000).”  So, why didn’t they specify that on their website?!  

Well, now we have 1 week to get this information to them.  But because we didn’t have everything that day, we won’t find out if we were accepted until we get the actual visa in the mail, 2 weeks to 1 month from now.  Here’s to praying we get accepted, because we are going to have to purchase our plane tickets to France before we find out if we’ve been accepted or rejected.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Welcome David Wyneken

David Wyneken Wildauer made his appearance at 2:09pm on October 13, 2014. 
He weighed in at 8 3/4 pounds and measured 20 3/4 inches.

Sam & Liza came to visit their baby brother several times 
and every time they came running in, super excited.

Family of Five

Ready to go home...

...we took David home, to our old house, and Sam & Liza showed him what 
Daddio is really for (tackling)!

One last family photo on our old porch swing

David getting his first bath at home before his Baptism

David Wyneken was baptized into Christ on October 19, 2014 at Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Greenfield, WI

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Where did September go?

We definitely kept busy in September.  Our house went from our home, to "picture perfect" for realtor pictures, to tables full of our possessions to sell, to empty, in a matter of 5 days.  What a transition, I wish I would have taken the time to take more pictures.  The rest of the month we have been getting cozy in our new house, gradually cleaning/fixing odd jobs at our old house, and getting ready for baby to come.

 "Picture Perfect" one day.

Everything out of the cupboards, drawers, closets, and attic the next.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No Cat, New Home

Melchizedek (Chiz) Thai Wildauer found a new castle with a loving servant.  Melchizedek was a king in the Bible and our cat took that seriously. Well, sort of. Melchizedek means “King of Righteousness.” Chiz the cat had the “king” part down, but not so much the “righteousness.” Chiz was always ordering us to give him something, be it attention or food—he was sure to let his servants know.  It took us a long time to find the right servant for him.  We thought of many possibilities, but they all ended up having dogs or allergies and Chiz would have none of that.  After six months of searching, we found him a servant who was willing to change her life for him, new job, new town, and new castle just to care for Chiz.  Purrrfect!

Micah handing Melchizedek over to his new servant, Pam Rudick

Annie will be the hardest to leave behind.  Annie is our house that we bought after getting married in 2008.  Shortly after moving in we realized that our address was our wedding anniversary.  2808 W Juneau, we were married the 28th of June in 08.  Annie was built in 1910 as a beautiful Victorian and she’s still beautiful today with all her wood work and built-in china cabinet.  We will most definitely miss our old Annie.  We had looked forward to raising our family in this house for many more years, but it is time to say goodbye.

Possibly our last family picture in front of Annie

As for all of our eclectic possessions that have filled Annie over the past six years, I have no problem with--and am very much looking forward to–selling and donating them.  We will have an Estate Sale, September 5 & 6, with all proceeds going directly to our account to support us while in the field.  After the sale on the 6th we will have a group come and help us box up the rest and take it to a resale shop.

Our little family 4 years ago, taken before going home from the hospital.  
Happy "4th" Birthday, Samuel Blaise!

The next two weeks will be very crazy getting the house ready for realtor pictures, celebrating Samuel’s 4th birthday, setting up for the Estate Sale and moving everything out, not to mention moving our family to a new house.  Yesterday, Micah and I were going to look at apartments to rent through the end of December. Well, we ended up hitting dead ends at all of them.  Even though we searched for apartments with short term lease options, none of the apartments would lease for less than six months.  While we were out and about looking for an apartment we heard back from a service team member at Greenfield Park Lutheran Church regarding their parsonage, which is currently vacant.  All within a few hours we were able to look at the house and get the thumbs up from the service team to rent, then further news that they would let us stay there without rent for the next four months.  Truly a blessing!  We went from zero leads on a place to live for the next four months, to having a great house with more than enough space, along with appliances.  I’m pretty sure God answers prayers!

Our home for September through December

As if we don’t have enough to do in Milwaukee, we are going to Indiana for the weekend  to celebrate Samuel’s birthday with family.  Of course there’s another reason for going to Indiana and it’s not just that Micah will be presenting at Shepherd by the Lakes Lutheran in Syracuse, IN on Sunday morning.  The main reason for going to Indiana is for Micah to indulge in one last Notre Dame football game at the stadium before leaving the country.  I think above all else of material desire, Micah will miss watching Notre Dame football games the most.

Notre Dame Opening Day 2011

If it seems that this blog was all out of order, well that’s because that is how life is right now!  I typed up this schedule for the next two weeks to keep my head on straight, we’ll see how in-line it will remain.  Prayers for sanity and well behaved kids over the next two weeks would be greatly appreciated.

Afternoon & Evening
Wed. Aug 27
library, grocery shopping
mow, outside work, move stuff
Thurs. Aug 28
clean, Newsletter mailing
clean, sort & pack for Bremen
Fri. Aug 29
drive to Bremen
Bremen HS Football game
Sat. Aug 30
fun w/ cousins all day
Micah-ND game
Sun. Aug 31
church, lunch, Sam’s b-day
Mon. Sept 1
drive home
Tues. Sept 2
get ready for pictures
get ready for pictures
Wed. Sept 3
11am realtor pictures
get ready for sale
Thurs. Sept 4
get ready for sale
get ready for sale
Fri. Sept 5
Sat. Sept 6
pack & move stuff to donate
Sun. Sept 7
Mon. Sept 8
move to parsonage
clean house
Tues. Sept 9
Brewer’s Game

Thursday, July 31, 2014

June & July Trips

Here's an update of June and July.  I apologize for not posting for such a long time.  There's really no excuse, I have been busy keeping up with the kids (even the one in utero), sorting through our belongings, packing and repacking for all of our trips.

On our month long trip in May, Sam and Liza made a few new friends, but that trip mostly consisted of family.  Our 2 week long trip around Minnesota on the other hand consisted of a little family time and a lot of time with new friends.  13 boys & 10 girls and that’s just counting our host families’ kids.  Sam and Liza had lots of fun, but of course when your kids get together with other kids there are always more battles.  Why can’t toddlers just know how to share?!  I’d have to say our month long trip was more enjoyable for me as a whole.  It’s just more relaxing when your family gives so much attention to your kids.  Yet, I think the MN trip was a great social time for Sam and Liza.  Exhausting as it might have been at times, I loved watching them interact with all their new friends.

Liza checking out the chickens with her new friend

VBS in Sartell, MN

We got stuck on high ground in the middle of a flash flood on our way to a presentation.  The road was closed down after we started driving on it.  We were stuck between two flooded points in the road.

Thankfully the kids slept right through it.  Of course 2 hours later when we made it safely back to where we started, the kids were done napping and we still had to drive all the way to our next stop.

A few of Sam and Liza's new friends wanted to go home with us

The kids all had the chance to pet horses when we went to a members house for dinner and fellowship after a presentation

We were only home for a week and a half before going to Bremen, IN to celebrate the 4th of July with family.  Sam & Liza really enjoy all the time they’ve been able to spend with all their cousins this year.  
Wildauer Cousins 4th of July, 2014

Fun with the Family on the 4th of July

Cousins playing so nicely together in the sandbox

After being back home for just a few days, we left again for a part work, part family trip.  We spent the weekend with my high school friends and presenting at my home church, where I was Baptized and Confirmed.  After 6 years of living in Milwaukee, Grace will be my home church once again.  Since Micah is called to be a theological educator at a seminary and not a parish pastor, we are transferring our membership to Grace Lutheran in Versailles, MO. 

Rosalie, Hollie, Katie, & myself, 10 years after graduating from high school

VBS at Grace Lutheran Church

Micah and I left Sam and Liza with Grandpa and Grandma for three days to go to the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education in St. Louis.  Since we will be homeschooling our kids in Togo we figured we should probably learn a little about homeschooling.

I think the kids did alright without Daddio & Mama!

We drove to Jefferson City to meet up with the kids.  Spent a day with cousins getting muddy down by the river, and then drove back to St. Louis.

After petting the goats at Grant's Farm, Sam said he wanted a pet goat.  I told him that could be arranged when we move to Togo.  (Side note:  I had goats when I was a little girl)

After preaching and a presentation at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Barnhart south of St. Louis, we journeyed down to Good Shepherd Lutheran Chapel, Cape Girardeau for Weston Wildauer's ordination and installation. Weston is Micah's cousin.

We drove to Faith Lutheran Church, Bloomington, IN the next day for a presentation and VBS the next morning.  After VBS in Bloomington, we drove a few hours north to another VBS.  2 VBSs in one day for Sam!  

Our travels with a u-pick-em blueberry farm on the side of the road on our way home from Indiana.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Home for 2 weeks (+ Easter Egg)

Home for 2 weeks, then on the road again for 2 weeks.  The 2 weeks at home have been very busy.  We started out with our last annual Memorial Day Shindig, 19 adults and 28 kids throughout the day, mainly friends and pastor families.  We were able to sell a few household goods.  If you are near Milwaukee, or willing to drive, and are in need of any household goods, just ask.  You could probably find it at our house.  Pretty much everything is for sale.  You'd be helping us out a lot!

We've had several doctor appointments.  The highlight, of course, was our ultrasound appointment to find out if we are having a boy or girl.

Big Brother and Big Sister are waiting to find out


Big Brother, Big Sister, & Baby Brother

I finally unpacked the last of our bags this week just in time to do laundry and repack them all.  Thankfully I was able to do laundry in TX before coming home.  Otherwise I'm not sure we would have had clean clothes to wear last week.  It sure is hard to get much of anything done with 2 little ones running around my feet, but thankfully I was able to stay awake through enough nap times to catch up on all our mail and sort through our accounts.  

We are looking forward to meeting our newest Goddaughter and seeing her Baptized before leaving on our 2 week trip around WI, MN & IA.

Here's the schedule for our trip.  If you are in the area, come on by!

June 8
Mt. Zion Lutheran, Greenfield, WI

Saint Paul Lutheran, Wittenberg, WI
9am preaching & presentation

6:30pm presentation
June 9
Christ Lutheran, Trego, WI
7pm presentation (tentative)
June 10
Trinity Lutheran, Hayward, WI 

Zion Lutheran, Turtle Lake, WI
10:30am Ladies’ Aid presentation

6:30pm presentation
June 11
Messiah Lutheran, Sartell, MN
VBS & presentation
June 12
Messiah Lutheran, Sartell, MN
6:30pm presentation
June 13
Trinity Lutheran, Holloway, MN
6pm potluck & presentation
June 14

June 15
Redeemer Lutheran, New Ulm, MN
9am preaching & presentation
June 16
Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Pipestone, MN

Immanuel Lutheran, Terril, IA
Pipestone Circuit Pastors, afternoon presentation

7pm presentation
June 17

June 18
Saint Paul Lutheran, Chatfield, MN
5pm presentation
June 19
Trinity & St. Paul Lutheran, Waltham, MN
7pm presentation
June 20
Prince of Peace Lutheran, West Salem, WI
7pm presentation